If you are in need of resources to support a preschooler who has experienced a trauma or is grieving the loss of a friend or loved one, below you will find resources to assist you.
Sesame Street in Communities
Videos, printables and resources for parents to support children experiencing various stressors and challenges. Visitors must create a FREE account in order to access resources.
Helping Kids Grieve
Traumatic Experiences
Offering Comfort to Children
Child Mind Institute
A national non-profit organization dedicated to providing resources for children and families in the areas of mental health and learning disorders.
Helping Children Cope After a Traumatic Event
Tips for parents and caregivers to help children to recover from traumatic events.
Helping Children Cope with Grief
Tips and support to help parents to support children through their grieving process, including how to tell children about difficult news.
Helping Children Deal with Grief
Resources to help parents to help children develop healthy coping skills during the grieving process.
Helping Children Cope with Frightening News
Suggestions to help parents to talk to children about frightening news.
What to Say and How to Say It
Suggestions for when to tell children about traumatic incidents or loss, including what to say and how to say it in a developmentally appropriate manner.
What to Expect with Kids Ages 2-4
Information for caregivers about 2 to 4-year-old’s expressions of grief and what you can do to help children at this age.
What to Expect with Kids Ages 4-7
Information for caregivers about 4 to 7-year-old’s expressions of grief and what you can do to help children at this age.
Signs of Trauma in Children
Information regarding normal grief responses versus signs of traumatic responses in children.
Going Back to School After a Tragedy
Information regarding the importance of support and routine for children after a tragedy occurs in their life.
Deciding Whether or Not to Attend the Funeral
Tips for making the decision about if the child should attend the funeral and suggestions for talking about this with the child before attending.
National Alliance for Grieving Children
Information and resources to assist adults who support children through the grieving process.
Dougy Center
Grief resources and toolkits for kids, parents and caregivers and school professionals.
The New York Life Foundation Bereavement Support
Grief and bereavement resources for families, schools and communities.
Zero To Three
A non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring that children have a strong start in life.
Helping Your Toddler Cope with Grief and Death
A resource to help parents to answer children’s questions related to death.
The Invisible String, By Patrice Karst
A children’s book about the invisible string that connects loved ones, no matter the distance between them.
Once I was Very Very Scared, By Chandra Ghosh Ippen
A children’s book about a squirrel who felt very, very scared and finds out that he is not alone in this feeling. The story was written to help children to understand stress and how to cope with stressful events.
A Terrible Thing Happened, By Margaret M. Holmes
A children’s book about a raccoon who witnessed something terrible and could not forgot about it, no matter how hard he tried. He meets someone who helps him to talk about the terrible thing and then he feels better.
Always and Forever, By Alan Durant
Fox’s family and friends are distraught after his passing until Squirrel reminds them all of the positive memories they have of Fox and how he can be forever remembered in their hearts.
Badger’s Parting Gifts, By Susan Varley
The woodland creatures feel incredibly sad when they lose their friend, but when then they remember the positive memories that they have with him.
When Children Grieve: For Adults to Help Children Deal with Death, Divorce, Pet Loss, Moving and Other Losses, By John W. James.
An adult’s guide to help support children through the grief process.
I Miss You: A First Look at Death, by Pat Thomas
A children’s book to help children understand that grief and a sense of loss are normal following someone’s death.
Lifetimes: The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children, By Bryan Mellonie
A children’s book that directly speaks about the concept of living and dying.
The Fall of Freddie the Leaf, By Leo Buscaglia
A children’s book about Freddie, who learns through the changing seasons that there is a delicate balance between life and death.
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