If you are new to therapy or counseling, you will need to fill out these forms before starting counseling. To save you a lot of time, simply visit this page, schedule your intake session and you will be sent all of the forms to sign electronically. (If you have already scheduled your appointment online or directly with Encompass, there is no need to do this again. The forms will be sent to you soon.) If you do not wish to sign the forms electronically then please follow the directions below:
Counseling Forms
Below are the forms that address what you can expect from the counseling relationship and any legal information that is important for your knowledge. Please review these forms and come to your first session prepared to sign a copy at our office.
Authorization for Health Insurance Claims
Special Forms
Below are special forms that may be required if you meet the criteria. If you find that you or your child falls into any of the categories below, please review this form and come to your first appointment prepared to sign a copy of this/these form(s).
Policy for Working with Child of Separated and Divorced Parents