Does it feel like one day your child—who you thought you understood and could get through to—just woke up as a teenager, with stronger emotions than the toddler years and “end of the world” type thinking?
Parenting—and more importantly, connecting with—a teenager in today’s high-stress, social-media driven society can seem like an overwhelming task. With advances in technology, raising a teenager today is not like it was when you were growing up, so you may feel like any support or guidance from your own parents, family members or mentors is outdated and irrelevant to the challenges you are facing with your teen today.
How Do You Get Through to Your Teenager
When There Are So Many Other Influences?
You’ve put so much energy into helping your teen to succeed, but somehow it seems that you and your teen just aren’t connecting…like you aren’t even speaking the same language.
Is it time to consider therapy?
The answer to that question may be an astounding “YES!”
Your teen is immersed in a world of competition and comparison which can lead to stress, anxiety and “end of the world” type thinking. This can lead to challenges such as anxiety, anger, relationship challenges and school achievement issues. But instead of turning towards their parents for support during this time of stress, many teenagers will assert their independence during the times that they need their parents the most!
Since you re a parent who cares, I know that I’m wasting my breath when I say “Don’t worry” because if you’re here, you’re worried. But I’m going to say it anyway: Don’t worry…this is all part of the process of growing up and is actually a sign of your teen following a developmentally appropriate trajectory in her life. This phase is one of those frustrating moments of parenthood—eerily similar to those independent toddler phases—in which you just want to help and she just needs to do it on her own.
It’s frustrating.
It’s anxiety-provoking.
And it’s all part of the process of growing up.
How Do You Help a Teen Who Needs Support but Won’t Ask for Help?
This is where therapy comes in.
Your teen—who wants to prove his independence from you—may be in desperate need of someone to talk to.
- Someone cool.
- Someone who “gets” him.
- Someone who isn’t old and outdated (like he thinks you are).
At Encompass Mental Health, our teen therapists speak your teen’s language:
- They understand where this emotional, “end of the world” type thinking is coming from.
- They understand why teenagers immerse themselves in distractions like social media, video games and streaming services.
- They understand that teenagers feel sad, worried, angry, and stressed about it all.
And most importantly, they accept your teen for having all of these thoughts, fears and more.
Our therapists can help to get through to your teenager when he hasn’t allowed you to help no matter what you’ve tried. They’re here to support him and to help him to move forward after feeling stuck in all of those heavy emotions. And most importantly, they’re here to help you as the parent to speak his language and understand how to help, because they get that you just want the best for your teen.
So, let our trained teen therapists help you to take the first step towards helping your teen. Browse our teen therapists to find the right fit for you and your teen.